Writing, perhaps a job that is easy and lightweight. Seem trivial. Moreover, if a post only form of plagiarism (copy and paste this), very easy and not have to sweat and rack my brain to sit for hours in front of the table.
However, restlessness was present, when we try to write from the "zero". Feeling confused, tired, confused and all-suddenly invaded the minds and thoughts. Pages of the book's pages, thousands of words, often with "intentionally" or didelete we dispose of the computer.
why do we do about it? others do not because we feel the post is not worth reading, very bad to be said as a post.
This resentment, often affecting the "laziness" and "boredom" due sense of failure and inadequacy. Fatal!
Based on the experience of successful writers in the world, the results of their efforts pour in the brain that piece of paper, a pearl which must still be stored. Too expensive to throw away.
Perspiration, thoughts and energy that flowed when writing is a sacrifice that should not be thrown away.
This action would be futile and useless. Because, the pearls that have been written opinion result is, someday will be much needed and necessary. If we throw the occasional pearl-moment present moment when it was not a suspect, is a brilliant idea of the contents of our brains.
Why is that?
Because it could be, today we are still writing 'smells kencur "was not helpful and not suitable moment. However, when that moment comes, of course we produced pearls that have been able to open again and in publishing for a variety of interests.
Moment-important moment will not happen over and over for his second. Pun, if it occurs repeatedly, is not necessarily the way our thinking is still the same as when the early writings created. Of course, we delete posts, posts that we waste, ash and will be in vain.
Let unrest, turmoil when writing it is present. Because, unconsciously, turmoil and unrest when he wrote, is a metamorphosis that will guide the mind to be "ripe" for the birth of the writings better.
Unrest and turmoil is the arena for us as writers.
So, write. Let the pearls that dwells within the minds spilled into a string of words, a row of meaningless letters. Do not give up easily, by removing all of the pearl. Moment-moment, which is covered in writing, a time will be "hits".
Well, that's when the pearls we "consider" does not deserve it will be excreted. surprise!
One thing is certain. Assessment of the merits of a post, not just in personal spectacles. However, the assessment will come from other people, who have read that we produced pearls.
... ... ... ... ... .. ah want to learn to write first ... ... ... ... ...
When unrest Writing (Do not Throw Your Writing)

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